
Issue January 2003

Mold litigation: Next tort arena or passing fad?

Toxic mold has become a national health and property damage issue, resulting in an increasing number of lawsuits. In fact, a jury in Texas last year awarded $32 million to a family who sued their insurance company after suffering from mold growth in their home. (Ballard v. Fire Insurance Exchange).

Serial litigation is a result of that hallmark case with lawsuits focusing on health claims and property damage, according to Jeff Alitz, partner at Donovan Hatem in Boston.

Lessons learned from the janitors strike

Was it a momentous turning point in the lives of an underpaid labor class just learning the power of organizing?

Or did the chaotic bargaining sessions make it impossible for management to settle a contract before a strike was called?

It depends on which side of the table you sat.

New to Bar

New to Bar
MBA President Joseph P.J. Vrabel was a featured speaker during the Dec. 13, 2002 bar admission ceremonies at Faneuil Hall. More than 1,500 new attorneys joined the profession during this most recent round of enrollment.