
MassBar Connects: Don't miss these upcoming events

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019

Click here to see the full calendar of events.


Click here to register for the 45th Annual Robert Fuchs Labor Law Conference.


Click here to learn more about the 20th Annual Walk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid.

In-House Conference 2018

Click here to register for the 16th Annual In-House Counsel Conference.


Join the MBA for its Civics Bee, to benefit iCivics, on Feb. 13. Click here to learn more.

Consider attending this annual event as a sponsor. Nationally renowned trial attorney, professor and DNA-evidence pioneer Barry C. Scheck will deliver the keynote address. The dinner will include the presentation of the 2019 Access to Justice Awards, the Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Scholarship and more. Click here to learn more.