
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Jun. 1, 2017

Notable & Quotable

  • "Mass. Bar Association calls for major reforms," Boston Herald (May 26) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy, MBA President Jeffrey N. Catalano and MBA Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Chair Richard W. Cole described the criminal justice resolutions recently adopted by the MBA's House of Delegates.
  • "Advocates want lawmakers to revisit alimony law," Newburyport News/CNHI (May 25) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy was quoted in an article addressing proposed changes to alimony law.
  • "Dial a lawyer...for free!" MassAppeal/WWLP 22News (May 24) -- MBA member David W. Ostrander promoted the Western Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer program as a guest on the MassAppeal TV show in Springfield.
  • "Irregular verdict form still an issue in pharmacist case," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29) -- MBA member Norman S. Zalkind provided comment on verdict form irregularities in a second-degree murder case involving the New England Compounding Center.
  • "College can't sue auditor for failing to uncover fraud," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29) -- MBA member Steven J. Bolotin was quoted on a recent Superior Court decision.
  • "Sanctions a reminder to heed bankruptcy stay," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29) -- Margaret H. Paget, chair of the MBA's Labor & Employment Section, and MBA member Ellen J. Messing offered insight on a recent ruling in U.S. District Court involving the Family and Medical Leave Act.