Boston Municipal Court Clerk-Magistrate Dan Hogan appears in the ABA’s Full and Fair Court Funding Video
As Massachusetts legislators prepare their proposals for the
commonwealth's fiscal year 2016 budget, it is important that the
Judicial branch be fully funded so that our courts can continue to
provide equal justice for all. The Massachusetts Bar Association
will continue its advocacy on behalf of the courts. You can help,
The American Bar Association's Tort Trial and Insurance Practice
Section has created a Full and Fair Court Funding Toolkit, which
includes information to help you understand the national crisis
caused by underfunded courts, as well as tools to "take
One of the most powerful components of the Toolkit is a video featuring Boston Municipal Court
Clerk-Magistrate Dan Hogan, who discusses how budget cuts have
impacted the courts in Massachusetts. For example, in one segment
Hogan says: "A majority of a court's budget is based on personnel.
We have eliminated everything, including law clerks. We've slashed
ADR programs. Judges, magistrates and others took furloughs. We
haven't hired anyone in probably four years."
Without proper funding, our courts face the potential of further
staff reductions and court closures. With your help, and support
from our elected officials, together we can help ensure equal
access to justice for all in the commonwealth.