
House passes bill to increase workers’ comp burial benefits

Thursday, Jun. 5, 2014
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Photo Credit: Josh Crawford
MBA President-elect Marsha V. Kazarosian testifies in support of MBA-backed legislation increasing burial benefits covered by workers' compensation on Oct. 8, 2013

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives engrossed Massachusetts Bar Association-supported legislation that would increase burial benefits under the workers' compensation act.

House Bill Number 3766 would increase burial benefits under the workers' compensation statute from $4,000 to eight times the average weekly wage in Massachusetts. "This will do much to alleviate the financial burden for families who are faced with the shocking and sudden death of a loved one while on the job," President-elect Marsha Kazarosian told the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development when it hosted a hearing on the legislation last October.

The MBA will continue to push for enactment of this bill as it heads to the Senate.