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Past President Kazarosian named to Baker's SJC Nominating Commission

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016
Article Picture
MBA Immediate Past President Marsha V. Kazarosian

Massachusetts Bar Association Past President Marsha V. Kazarosian was named by Gov. Charlie Baker to a special 12-member Supreme Judicial Court Nominating Commission (SJC-NC) to recruit and screen applicants to fill the multiple upcoming vacancies on the commonwealth's highest court. The MBA commended Gov. Charlie Baker for appointing this commission.

"Governor Baker's appointment of this special commission demonstrates that he fully grasps the weight of this historic opportunity to change the makeup of the commonwealth's top court," said MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy. "The governor has wisely chosen to include on this special panel leaders of the bar from throughout the commonwealth. The importance of having a court that resembles the depth of diversity existing in the state will be a major factor in his appointments. Seeking knowledgeable input from the statewide bar will help ensure that the SJC maintains its inclusive legacy."

By the end of his first term, Gov. Baker will have the opportunity to name five new SJC justices. In addition to the announced retirements from Justices Robert J. Cordy, Francis X. Spina and Fernande R.V. Duffly, two additional justices -- Justice Margot G. Botsford and Justice Geraldine S. Hines -- will reach the mandatory retirement age of 70 in 2017. Click here to read the governor's statement on the special commission.

Members of the statewide panel include:

  • Lon F. Povich, co-chair
    Governor's Chief Legal Counsel
  • Paul T. Dacier, co-chair
    Chair, JNC
    Executive Vice President and General Counsel of EMC Corporation
  • Lisa G. Arrowood
    President, Boston Bar Association
    Partner, Arrowood Peters LLP
  • Roberto M. Braceras
    Vice-chair, JNC
    Partner, Goodwin Procter LLP
  • Brackett B. Denniston
    General counsel, GE (ret.)
  • The Hon. Margaret R. Hinkle
    Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court (ret.)
  • The Hon. Roderick L. Ireland
    Chief Justice, Supreme Judicial Court (ret.)
  • Marsha V. Kazarosian
    Immediate past president, Massachusetts Bar Association
    Partner, Kazarosian Costello
  • Joan A. Lukey
    Partner, Choate Hall & Stewart LLP
  • Elizabeth A. Lunt
    Of counsel, Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein
  • John P. Pucci
    Partner, Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas LLP
  • Carol T. Vittorioso
    Vice-chair, JNC
    Partner, Vittorioso & Taylor