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MBA hosts press conference for marathon survivors

Thursday, Jun. 26, 2014
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Photo Credit: Jason Scally
Marathon bombing victim Dr. Scott Weisberg, spoke about his own hearing loss and brain injury on June 20 at the MBA

The Massachusetts Bar Association hosted a press conference on June 20 on behalf of a group of Boston Marathon bombing survivors seeking a meaningful award from the One Fund Boston after sustaining hearing loss and traumatic brain injury (TBI) more than a year ago. The event, moderated by MBA President Douglas K. Sheff, included survivors, TBI experts and representatives from the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). See Notable& Quotable for the resulting media coverage.

The press conference came in response to the One Fund's call for public comment on the draft protocol for the second distribution of nearly $20 million in charitable funds. The MBA issued a formal statement on the protocol and submitted a letter to the One Fund from Sheff.

Today's Boston Globe also published a letter to the editor co-written by Sheff and Paul White, chairman of the MBA's Marathon Bombing Victims Assistance Program Boston, which addresses comments made by a One Fund spokeswoman who, in an earlier Boston Globe article, accused the marathon survivors' volunteer attorneys of improperly taking advantage of the outpouring of support for their own gain. Click here to read "Uncharitable view of Marathon survivors' attorneys is unfair."