The Chief Justice Ralph Gants Fund for Racial Equity and Access to Justice supports initiatives to advance access to justice, racial equity and criminal justice reform in the legal system.
The Massachusetts Bar Association will hold its Annual Dinner on Thursday, May 8, at the Westin Boston Seaport District. Tickets and sponsorships are now available for purchase!
Join the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Well-being Committee for a month-long mindfulness program focusing on weekly mind and body exercises to support member wellness.
The MBA’s Complex Commercial Litigation Section invites you to its 10th Annual Complex Commercial Litigation Conference in-person at Suffolk University Law School. This year's keynote speaker will be Chief Judge David J. Barron of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
The Massachusetts Bar Association’s Family Law Section is excited to present the Western Massachusetts Family Law Conference, a premier in-person event for family law attorneys and judges.
The Massachusetts Bar Association welcomes back our Labor & Employment members to the 46th Annual Labor & Employment Spring Conference. This year’s conference will be an in-person event at Suffolk University Law School on Thursday, May 29.
The Massachusetts Bar Association’s Juvenile & Child Welfare Law Section is excited to present its Eighth Annual Juvenile & Child Welfare Conference on Thursday, April 10 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at the UTEC Center. This year's conference will focus on the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, that turned 70 in 2024.
Join us for the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Taxation Law Section Council’s Tax Talk Tuesdays luncheon series, where tax law attorneys gather to discuss the latest trends, developments and insights in the world of taxation.
The Massachusetts Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section is excited to announce our new DR Roundtable, a monthly, user-friendly, hour-long Zoom discussion, occurring on the first Thursday of every month, from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
The Massachusetts Bar Association's Family Law Section invites members of the bar to attend a multi-part series on financial issues in family law. We will start with basic topics and principles, which are meant for less experienced practitioners. We will gradually work up to more complicated topics and how to incorporate these principles into litigating a case all the way through trial.
The MBA is pleased to announce its leadership team for the 2024-25 association year, led by President Victoria M. Santoro.
The comprehensive and reliable legal research database you've been looking for. Free for MBA members. Officially launching in November, take part in trainings or learn more about Decisis at the link below.
This page features helpful resources for those interested in in volunteering with the MBA’s Innocence Initiative, resources for prosecutorial Conviction Integrity Programs and a “Timeline of Progress."
The MBA offers several opportunities for members to volunteer on community service programs like Dial-A-Lawyer, Mock Trial and others.
Many Massachusetts Bar Association tools and services can be accessed wherever you are, whenever you have time. Take advantage of our exclusive Be-Anywhere Benefits today.
Collaborate online with thousands of members using the MBA’s proprietary social networking tool.
Enjoy FREE, unlimited use of Decisis, one of the largest online legal research libraries.
Use the MBA’s Lawyer Referral Service, one of the largest legal referral services in the nation, to connect to a lawyer in your area instantly, 24/7.
MBA members have access to exclusive insurance programs designed and negotiated by fellow lawyers.
Join MentorMatch, a virtual career development tool, which provides you with leadership and management advice.
Never miss a seminar. Watch a CLE program anywhere, anytime.
Keep your contact information up-to-date and don’t miss a notice about an upcoming event or volunteer opportunity.
The MBA’s weekly newsletter, with information about upcoming MBA events, members in the news and more.
The MBA's bi-monthly newspaper includes association news, practical columns and Section Review articles.
The Winsor School of Boston Wins Mass. Bar Association’s 2025 Mock Trial State Championship
Mock Trial
Read the March 20 MBA Lawyers eJournal
Read the March 13 MBA Lawyers eJournal
Read the March 6 MBA Lawyers eJournal
Read the Feb. 27 MBA Lawyers eJournal
Seventh Annual Young Lawyers Division Symposium
12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Massachusetts Bar Association
Dispute Resolution Section Council Meeting
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Judicial Administration Section Council Meeting
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
IRL: A Bench-Bar Reception with Superior Court Judges
Thorndike Library
Development and Construction Law Practice Group
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Zoom Meeting
The Essential Guide to Family Law Financials: Understanding Personal Tax Returns
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
March Mindfulness Part 5: Reflection
Incorporated in 1911, the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) is a non-profit organization that serves the legal profession and the public by promoting the administration of justice, legal education, professional excellence and respect for the law. A voluntary association, the MBA represents a diverse group of attorneys, judges and legal professionals across the commonwealth.
“When I first joined the MBA I was surprised by all it had to offer. The opportunity to meet and network with lawyers across the state is priceless; I have been able to discuss cases with lawyers I would not have otherwise met. The MBA has also been on the front line of issues concerning all practitioners, whether it is court funding, the drug lab scandal or legislative changes. I wish I had gotten involved with the MBA sooner in my 22-year career. The resources it has to offer would have helped me greatly when I was just starting my practice.”