Where did collegiality go?
With Zoom and telephone conferences being a big way of doing business these
days, we lawyers are not interacting in real life, or IRL, as the kids would
say. We have very few opportunities to get to know each other or the judges
outside of the courtroom.
Please join us for an IRL meet and greet at the Thorndike Library at the
Suffolk County Courthouse where we can get to know each other, not with the
formality as adversaries and judges, but as colleagues and friends.
A fellowship reception will follow the program. This program is free to
the legal community.
Registration is required by noon on Wednesday, March 26, in order to
participate in the program.
Elaina M. Quinn, Esq., Deputy Court Administrator, Program Co-chair
Superior Court Department
Rosemary A. Macero, Esq., Program Co-chair
Macero Law PC, Charlestown
Hon. Cathleen E. Campbell, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. Rosemary Connolly, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. David A. Deakin, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. Matthew J. Nestor, Panelist
Massachusetts District Court
Hon. Kenneth W. Salinger, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. Camille F. Sarrouf, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. Debra Squires-Lee, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court
Hon. Salim R. Tabit, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court