The Massachusetts Bar Association's Labor & Employment Section is proud
to co-sponsor the 44th Annual Robert Fuchs Labor Law Conference, which will
highlight a year of significant legal developments. Do not miss this exclusive
opportunity to network with colleagues, program faculty, and the leaders of the
labor and employment bar.
Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board Philip A. Miscimarra will speak
on issues likely to come before the board in the coming year. Acting Solicitor of Labor
Nicholas C. Geale will also present remarks.
Other conference highlights include:
- A plenary session entitled, “The NLRB and the DOL:
What’s the Path Forward?”
- The application of the joint employment and
independent contractor doctrines and the fate of the overtime revisions and
- On Oct. 2, the Supreme Court heard arguments on
National Labor Relations Board v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc. At issue was
whether arbitration clauses in employment contracts constitute violations of
Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act if they prohibit
arbitration on a class or collective basis. The court was asked to reconcile
the policies of the National Labor Relations Act and the Federal Arbitration
- Our panelists will explain the issue to us and why it is
significant. They will explore the likely workplace consequences of
possible outcomes before the court, and address the issue of whether
workplace regulation can be meaningful if enforcement is limited to
individuals claims.
Scott F. Burson, Deputy Regional Attorney, Conference Co-chair
National Labor Relations Board, Boston
Christine Eskilson, Esq., Conference Co-chair
U.S. Department of Labor Office of the Regional Solicitor, Boston
Michael Felsen, Esq., Conference Co-chair
U.S. Department of Labor Office of the Regional Solicitor, Boston
Marc Greenbaum, Esq., Conference Co-chair
Merle Hyman, Esq., Conference Co-chair
U.S. Dept of Labor-Solicitor's Office, Boston
Nicholas C. Geale, Esq., Panelist
US Department of Labor
Philip A. Miscimarra, Esq., Panelist
Chairman, National Labor Relations Board
James W. Bucking, Esq., Panelist
Foley Hoag LLP, Boston
Jocelyn B. Jones, Esq., Panelist
Segal Roitman LLP, Boston
Shannon Liss-Riordan, Esq., Panelist
Lichten & Liss-Riordan PC, Boston
Liam T. O'Connell, Esq., Panelist
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Boston