Please join the Massachusetts Bar Association's Judicial
Administration Section and a panel of Barnstable County judges as they explore
various topics, such as:
- Changes regarding the new Rule 14 of the Massachusetts
Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Technology in the courtroom setting as it relates to
artificial intelligence
- Logistics of the eFiling system from both the clerk
and judge perspectives
- Logistics of juror utilization from the judge perspective
This webinar will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is
required by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19, in order to participate in this
program. An email from MassBar Education will be
sent before the program.
Hon. Joseph P. Hurley III, Program Co-Chair
Massachusetts District Court, Boston
Hon. Gregg Pasquale, Program Co-chair
Plymouth Superior Court, Plymouth
Megan Owens, Esq., Program Co-chair
Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office, Barnstable
Hon. Elaine M. Buckley, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court, Boston
Hon. Michael Callan, Panelist
Suffolk County Superior Court, Boston
Hon. Mark Gildea, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court, Barnstable
Hon. Thomas J. Perrino, Panelist
Massachusetts Superior Court, Boston