The Massachusetts Bar Association's Family Law Section invites members of the
bar to attend a multi-part series on financial issues in family law. We will
start with basic topics and principles, which are meant for less experienced
practitioners. We will gradually work up to more complicated topics and how to
incorporate these principles into litigating a case all the way through trial.
Please join us as we take practitioners through how to read and understand a
business tax return regarding:
- Corporations
- Partnerships
- LLCs
Practitioners will also learn how to calculate a parent or spouse’s income
from a business tax return and how to understand the consequences of passthrough
Registration is required by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, in order to
participate in this program. An email from MassBar Education
will be sent before the program.
Crissa Morton, Esq., Program Co-chair
Michael I. Flores PC, Orleans
Talia Simonds, Esq., Program Co-chair
Simonds Family Law and Mediation, PLLC, Newton Highlands
Alana B. Holly, Esq., Panelist
Tomasino Legal Group, Wellesley Hills
Ross Yogel, MBA, CPA, CVA, MAFF, Panelist
LGA CPAs and Business Advisors, Woburn