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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is an important part of being an attorney in Massachusetts. Give back, provide support to communities in need and increase your connections with fellow members when you participate in an MBA-sponsored volunteer opportunity.

Get Involved

Volunteer Programs:

Innocence Initiative

Innocence Initiative

Volunteer with the MBA’s Innocence Initiative. 

My Bar Access

My Bar Access

Get instant access to thousands of members in your area of practice. Use listservs and blogs to share information and ideas.

Member Groups

Member Groups

Seek appointment to a section council or committee to keep current with developments in the law and expand your contacts in the profession.

Teach a CLE

Teach a CLE

Share your expertise with fellow members of the bar and develop an education program. 

Fee Arbitration Board

Fee Arbitration Board

Sign up to serve as an arbitrator. 

Mock Trial

Mock Trial

Serve as a coach or a judge for the statewide high school Mock Trial competition.

Publish an Article

Publish an Article

Submit an article for the MBA Section Review or Massachusetts Law Review.

Elder Law Education

Elder Law Education

Make a Elder Law Education presentation to a local senior citizen center.

Tiered Community Mentoring

Tiered Community Mentoring

Share your knowledge of the legal profession and career advice with high school, college and law school students.



Provide free basic legal information by phone to callers the first Wednesday of every month.

Law Day Education Program

Law Day Education Program

During the month of May, MBA members will participate in a Virtual Law Day Education program by presenting to high school classrooms on the 2024 Law Day theme.

Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

Speak to civic, social, educational and business organizations on a wide range of legal topics.

Pro Bono Services

Pro Bono Services

Volunteer your legal services to help those who cannot afford legal assistance.



Provide leadership and management skills, guidance and advice to future leaders of the bar.

Superior Court Lawyer for a Day

Superior Court Lawyer for a Day

Volunteer with the MBA’s Superior Court Lawyer for a Day.