The Massachusetts Bar Association will hold its Annual Dinner on Thursday, May 8, at the Westin Boston Seaport District, 425 Summer St., Boston.
Additional information about this year's event to be announced.
Purchase Individual Tickets - $200
Sponsorship Opportunities
Champion of Justice Sponsor - $10,000
• Two tables for 10
• Two full-page advertisements in the dinner program
• Logo featured at the reception bars, hors d’oeuvres tables and on dinner menus
• Logo/firm name projected at the event and featured on the MBA website
• Sponsorship-level recognition in Lawyers eJournal
• Additional prominent recognition at the event
Platinum Sponsor - $7,500
• One table for 10
• Full-page advertisement in the dinner program
• Logo featured at the reception bars, hors d’oeuvres tables and on dinner menus
• Logo/firm name projected at the event and featured on the MBA website
• Sponsorship-level recognition in Lawyers eJournal
• Additional prominent recognition at the event
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
• Table for 10
• Full-page advertisement in the dinner program
• Logo/firm name projected at the event and featured on the MBA website
• Additional prominent recognition at the event
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
• Table for 8
• Half-page advertisement in the dinner program
• Logo/firm name projected at the event and featured on the MBA website
Bronze Sponsor - $1,750
• Table for 8
• Firm name included in the dinner program
• Logo/firm name projected at the event
Champion of Justice
MBA Insurance Agency
Santoro & Gray LLC
Aperture LLC
CNA Insurance
Kenney & Sams PLLC
Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow PC
Morrison Mahoney LLP
Peabody & Arnold
Rockland Trust
Turco Legal
Arrowood LLP
Breakstone, White & Gluck PC
Callahan, Barraco, Inman & Bonzagni PC
Conn Kavanaugh
Diller Law
Eden Rafferty
Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP
Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP
Keches Law Group
Lubin & Meyer PC
Marcotte Law Firm
Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
McGrath Kane Law
Nifty Marketing
Ringler Associates
Sweeney Merrigan
Bergstresser & Pollock PC
Boston College Law School
Boston University School of Law
Chartwell Law
FAZ Forensics
Floyd Advisory
Haverhill Bank
Hinckley Allen
Kazarosian Costello LLP
Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner
The Kaplan/Bond Group
Law Offices of Samuel A. Segal
MDD Forensic Accountants
Sherin and Lodgen LLP
Annual Dinner Honorees:
To be announced