On June 13, Massachusetts Bar Association president Robert L.
Holloway Jr., president of the Massachusetts Bar Association,
presented Kevin V. Maltby with an MBA Community Service Award.
Maltby, a litigation and employment law attorney at Bacon Wilson
PC, in Springfield, accepted the award at the Hampden County Bar
Association's annual meeting.
Maltby is an active member of his community and volunteers
countless hours helping others. In 2012, he established the Lawyer
for a Day program in the Springfield District Court, assisting
income-eligible tenants and landlords with court cases every
Thursday. He developed the program's model and provided training to
attorneys participating in the program. Maltby also created a
self-help center for courts throughout the country, through his
work on the Hampden County Bar's Self-Help Center taskforce.
Additionally, Maltby participates annually in the Western New
England University School of Law Mentor/Mentee program.
"Where the community has given so much to me, I believe that it is
important to give back. That is why I am so honored to receive the
MBA Community Service Award. The receipt of this award would not
have been possible without the immense support from my firm Bacon
Wilson PC and the Hampden County Bar Association," Maltby said.
"Bacon Wilson PC has encouraged and supported my endeavor to create
the District Court Lawyer of the Day Program in the Springfield
District Court, as well as other community service activities. The
HCBA and the Community Outreach Committee has provided the support
and staffing to assist in the implementation of the program. I am
truly humbled by their support and the receipt of this
Outside of the legal sphere, Maltby continues to give back. With
his wife, Liza, Maltby chairs an annual holiday drive for Thom
Family and Child Services, an organization dedicated to providing
early intervention services for children from birth to age three.
The books and toys collected in this drive go to families in need.
He also serves on the board of the Longmeadow Montessori
Internationale School.
Maltby was nominated to receive the MBA's Community Service Award
by the Hampden County Bar Association, of which he is an active
member. In addition to his work at Bacon Wilson PC, Maltby is an
adjunct faculty member at Bay Path College, teaching classes for
the legal studies and paralegal certificate programs.