When Gov. Deval L. Patrick signed the fiscal year 2014 budget
into law on July 12, included was an amendment to the judicial pay
raise passed by the Legislature earlier in the month. The
Legislature proposed an incremental increase with effective dates
of Jan. 1, 2014; Jan. 1, 2015; and July 1, 2015. Patrick, who
supports the increase, believes that two years is too long to wait.
He amended the budget so the entire $30,000 increase will be
effective on Jan. 1, 2014. He also provided the funding for the pay
increase in a supplemental budget also filed on July 12.
Massachusetts judges last received compensation increases in
At press time, the Legislature rejected the governor's amendment
instead voting on an amendment containing an incremental raise with
effective dates of Jan.1, 2014 and July 1, 2014. The supplemental
budget, which included the necessary funding for the pay raise, was
pending before the House Ways and Means Committee.