
Sections sponsor guest speakers at open forums, events

Issue March 2011

BBO lawyers answers Immigration Law questions

The Immigration Law Section Council hosted Anne S.J. Kaufman, director of the Board of Bar Overseers' Attorney Client Assistance Program since 1999, for an "Ask the Experts: Legal Ethics For Immigration Practitioners" on Feb. 10.
The co-drafter of Chapter 209A, the Massachusetts abuse prevention statute, Kaufman answered immigration attorneys' ethics questions on joint representation cases, the use of IOLTA funds and other topics.

Young Lawyers hosts career panel, networking reception

The MBA's Young Lawyers Division held a career panel and networking event at the Boston University School of Law on Feb. 9. The panel provided law students with advice about finding and keeping a job in a challenging economy, transitioning from law student to lawyer, and other practical career and job search guidance.

Juvenile & Child Welfare Section hosts bench-bar meeting

The MBA's Juvenile & Child Welfare Section Council sponsored its second bench-bar meeting at the Massachusetts School of Law in Andover on Feb. 9. The discussion focused on the Standing Order for Care and Protection Trials, implementation of new law for young adults (ages 18-22) in DCF custody and the Youth Advocacy Department expansion in Somerville, Lowell and Salem.

The council is holding bench-bar sessions throughout the association year. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, in Brockton.

Individual Rights Section hosts "Bullying" forum

The Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section Council held an open meeting Feb. 9 on the recently passed anti-bullying legislation, how it will affect victims and potential clients, and the roles of the courts and lawyers in such cases.

Bristol County Juvenile Court Associate Justice Lawrence Moniz said using the anti-bullying statute can be a better first-line defense "to the benefit of both the victim and the accused" than a civil harassment or other more serious charge that would end up on a child's record for life.