
New admittees take advantage of free speed networking event

Issue March 2010

The Young Lawyers Division hosted a speed networking event for new admittees on Feb. 11 at the Massachusetts Bar Association's Boston office, pairing new attorneys with mentors. The session was followed by a wine and cheese reception.

About 40 new admittees attended the free event, which was advertised in handouts at the swearing-in ceremonies for newly admitted attorneys. YLD also helped provide thumb drives in the MBA welcome packets handed out at the swearing-in ceremonies. The thumb drives included several video presentations, including an electronic version of the "Traps for the Unwary" program.

Members of the YLD Executive Board attended the networking event along with other MBA leaders, including President Valerie A. Yarashus and Vice President Douglas K. Sheff.

"I think this was an excellent event that gave new attorneys an opportunity to interact with seasoned attorneys in an informal setting," said YLD Chair David S. Bradley. "The event was a great success and I look forward to holding these types of events in the future. These events are exactly why people should join the Mass. Bar and the YLD."

YLD is hosting a series of open meetings designed to help new attorneys make the transition from law school to law practice over the next several months. On Thursday, March 18, YLD will host a "View from the Bench" presentation at the MBA's Boston office where judges will discuss what young lawyers do and don't do well.