
Brown Rudnick sponsors 26th annual MBA Mock Trial

Issue December 2010

Brown Rudnick LLP, through its Center for the Public Interest, presented the Massachusetts Bar Association with a $25,000 check for the Mock Trial Program on Nov. 16. The international law firm has supported the program since 1998.

More than 100 schools across the state are expected to compete in this year's 26th annual program, which kicks off in January with preliminary trials. The program places high school teams from 16 regions across the state in a simulated courtroom situation.

This year's criminal case involves a charge of involuntary manslaughter against a teenager for the death of two people in a car accident. The defendant is accused of stealing a stop sign as part of a high school scavenger hunt.

The finals will be held on April 1. Last year, The Winsor School of Boston won the state championship and placed 11th in the national tournament.