*Unless otherwise indicated, call MBA Member Services (617) 338-0530 or toll-free at (877) 676-6500 for more information or to register.
Tuesday, May 13
29th Annual Labor & Employment Law Spring Conference
9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
The Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Ave., Boston
This year’s spring conference includes three sessions covering topics ranging from legal bases for obtaining and enforcing arbitral subpoenas, how implicit bias often motivates actors in the workplace, and a review of the hottest employment law developments from late 2007 and early 2008. The conference will end with a networking reception.
Thursday, May 15
Detours and OnRamps Forum
8:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
Bentley College, Waltham
The MBA is proud to co-sponsor the Detours and OnRamps Forum, a program designed to address the needs and issues of mothers, especially those grappling with their choice to work full time, part time or from home.
The $125 registration fee covers breakfast, lunch and snacks, a full day of sessions, and a “Working Mother’s Toolkit” filled with discounts and reading material to help women in the job hunt and achieve life-work balance.
To register, visit www.onrampsforum.com and enter “MASSBAR” under “How did you hear about us” to save $25 off the registration fee.
Tuesday, May 20
Limited Liability Companies vs.
Business Corporations: Legal, Tax and
Accounting Considerations
4–7 p.m.
Course #: BLL08
Western New England College School of Law, Springfield
This program will focus on legal, tax and accounting considerations in choosing between a limited liability company or a business corporation for the operation of a business enterprise. The panel will discuss topics such as: differences between the Massachusetts Limited Liability Company Act and Massachusetts Business Corporation Act; how the features of C corporation, S corporation and partnership income taxation affect the choice of entity decision; accounting issues; and considerations in drafting the LLC operating agreement and a corporation’s organizational documents.
Faculty: David A. Parke, Esq., program chair, Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas LLP, Springfield; Michael Collins, CPA, Moriarty & Primack PC, Springfield; Rod McCorkill, CPA, Moriarty & Primack PC, Springfield; Frederick D. Royal, Esq., professor of law, Western New England College School of Law, Springfield.
Wednesday, May 21
Claims of Retaliation: Burlington Northern’s Legacy
Noon–2 p.m.
Course #: LEI08
Intermediate level
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway, Co. v. White, 126 S.Ct. 2405 (2006) was labeled as a case that would change the face of retaliation claims. Two years later, what has been Burlington Northern’s legacy? This roundtable will discuss Burlington Northern’s impact in Massachusetts in light of G.L. c. 151B’s more liberal standards, and whether the retaliation standard has become so relaxed that plaintiffs should consider abandoning their discrimination claims in favor of retaliation claims.
Faculty: Jaclyn L. Kugell, Esq., program co-chair, Morgan, Brown and Joy LLP, Boston; Elizabeth Rodgers, Esq., program co-chair, Rodgers, Powers and Schwartz LLP, Boston.
Shakespeare in the Law
5 p.m.
Cutler Majestic Theatre, Boston
The MBA is once again proud to co-sponsor “Shakespeare in the Law,” a free event produced by the Boston Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society in conjunction with Commonwealth Shakespeare Company.
Former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, American Bar Association Past President Michael S. Greco and former Massachusetts Gov. Paul Cellucci will participate in the event. This year’s play will be King Lear.
Members of the public should R.S.V.P. prior to the event to the Federalist Society c/o Dottie Moore at (617) 449-6617 or [e-mail dmoore].
Thursday, May 29
An Open Dialogue on Court Practices
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Brockton District Court, 215 Main St., Brockton
This forum is a statewide opportunity for dialogue among judges, lawyers and court personnel on court practices and procedures
The May 29 forum is co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Trial Courts, the MBA, Plymouth County Bar Association, Barnstable Bar Association and Bristol County Bar Association. This is the first in a series planned to take place around the state. The next forum will take place at the Fenton Judicial Center in Lawrence on Tuesday, June 17.
Immigration Removal Mock Trial
4–7 p.m.
Course #: BLK08
Introductory level
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
Learn the ABCs of what lawful permanent residents and/or illegal aliens face in Immigration Court during a removal proceeding for any violation of immigration law. Faculty will present a fact pattern, and Hon. Paul Gagnon of the Boston Immigration Court will preside over the mock trial. Seasoned immigration defense attorneys will demonstrate how a removal hearing is conducted, and Court Administrator Robert Halpin will provide a brief explanation of Immigration Court procedural rules. A Q&A session and networking reception will follow.
Faculty: Shiva Karimi, Esq., program co-chair, Vakili Karimi LLC, Boston; Eneida Roman, Esq., program co-chair, Eneida Roman, Attorney at Law, Boston; Hon. Paul M. Gagnon, Immigration Court, Boston; Linda A. Cristello, Esq., Law Office of Linda A. Cristello, Boston; Anthony Drago Jr., Esq., Anthony Drago Jr. PC, Boston; Dennis Febles, Esq., Febles Law Offices LLC, Boston; Jeremiah E. Friedman, Esq., Kaplan, O’Sullivan & Friedman, Boston; Robert E. Halpin, Esq., court administrator, Immigration Court, Boston; Roy J. Watson Jr., Esq., Watson Law Offices, Bedford.
Wednesday, June 4
Second Annual Public Law Conference
8:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Course #: PUB08
Holiday Inn Boston at Beacon Hill, 5 Blossom St., Boston
Attorneys representing govern-mental bodies and those who litigate matters before agencies of the government are facing an ever-chang-ing set of issues related to attorney-client privilege, the balancing of governmental transparency and the need for non-public deliberation of legal issues. Governmental bodies are also undergoing change as new leaders and restructured agencies attempt to find more efficient means of resolving disputes and serving various constituencies. In this context, our panelists will address the special role and obligations of public counsel in serving the needs of their client agencies as well as broader public policy objectives. Discussions will focus on attorney-client privilege, the Public Records law, the Open Meeting Law and the Division of Administrative Law Appeals.
Faculty: Robert J. Ambrogi, Esq., Law Office of Robert J. Ambrogi, Rockport; Suzanne M. Bump, Esq., secretary, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Boston; Daniel J. Hammond, Esq., Office of the Attorney General, Boston; Shelly L. Taylor, Esq., chief administrative magistrate, Division of Administra-tive Law Appeals, Boston. *Additional faculty to be announced.
Tuesday, June 10
Chronic Pain in Workers’ Compensation Litigation
4–7 p.m.
Course #: CLJ08
Intermediate level
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
Are you a workers’ compensation practitioner whose matters involve claims of chronic pain? Gain a better under-standing of the condition with the help of medical experts who will supply medical evidence for the available therapeutic options. Panelists will discuss the nature of chronic pain, why it exists and provide an update on current medical evidence and the marshalling of evidence to support or controvert a claimant’s claims.
Faculty: Channing Migner, Esq., program chair, Law Office of Channing Migner, Worcester; Hon. Herbert C. Dike, Department of Industrial Accidents, Boston; Eugenio Martinez, MD, Boston Spine Clinic, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston; Robert Naparstek, MD, Caritas Good Samaritan Occupational Health Services, Avon; Erika G. Soong, Esq., Tentindo, Kendall, Canniff & Keefe, Charlestown; Scott Tromanhauser, MD, Boston Spine Clinic, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston.
Thursday, June 12
How to Prepare For and Respond to Federal Compliance Investigations
4–7 p.m.
Course #: LEJ08
Intermediate level
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
If DOL or ICE came knocking at your client’s door, seeking to conduct a surprise investigation, audit or raid, would they know what to do? Would you? Join us for this timely, practical seminar designed to help you assist your clients in promptly and comprehensively responding to federal audits and investigations, and in helping your clients avoid them. The program will feature panels on both DOL and ICE investigations and compliance.
Faculty: Christina Montgomery, Esq., program co-chair, Law Office of Christina Montgomery, Waltham; Elizabeth Neumeier, Esq., program co-chair, mediator/arbitrator, Gloucester; Berin S. Romagnolo, Esq., program co-chair, McCarter & English LLP, Boston; Roy J. Watson Jr., Esq., program co-chair, Watson Law Offices, Bedford; Daniel S. Field, Esq., Morgan, Brown & Joy LLP, Boston; Matthew Lee, Esq., Tocci, Goss & Lee PC, Centerville; Patricia Slate, wage hour consultant, Newton.
*Additional faculty to be announced, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement representatives.
Tuesday, June 17
An Open Dialogue on Court Practices
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Fenton Judicial Center, 2 Appleton St., Lawrence
This is the second in a series of discussions scheduled to take place across the commonwealth. See the May 29 calendar entry for more details.
Wednesday, June 18
Managing a Paperless Law Office –
Going Green in a Small and Solo
(Afternoon roundtable – refreshments provided)
3–4:30 p.m.
Course #: LPE08
Introductory level
Northampton District Court, 15 Gothic St., Northampton
Tired of never finding the document you want when you need it most? Intimidated by the growing trend toward electronic filing required in the court and agency systems? Learn to shed your reliance on paper and join the ranks of lawyers shifting toward a paperless, resource-friendly office environment. Those seeking a competitive advantage with larger firms, for both litigation and transactional practices, should attend.
Faculty: Channing Migner, Esq., program chair, Law Office of Channing Migner PC, Worcester; Daniel K. Gelb, Esq., Gelb & Gelb LLP, Boston.
Complex Issues and Emerging Trends in Class Action Litigation
4–7 p.m.
Course #: CLR08
Intermediate level
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
The purpose of this seminar is to raise awareness of complex issues and to provide an update on current trends and recent developments in state and federal class action litigation. The seminar will provide the perspectives from plaintiff and defense counsel as well as the bench. Don’t miss this seminar if you are a civil litigator handling class actions in either state or federal court in Massachusetts.
Faculty: Lauren Guth Barnes, Esq., program chair, Hagens, Berman, Sobol, Shapiro LLP, Cambridge; Hon. Patti B. Saris, district judge, U.S. District Court; R. Bruce Allensworth, Esq., Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP, Boston; Kristen Marquis Fritz, Esq., Thornton & Naumes LLP, Boston; Alex H. MacDonald, Esq., MacDonald, Rothweiler & Eisenberg LLP, Boston; Mark P. Szpak, Esq., Ropes & Gray LLP, Boston.
Recently added:
Thursday, May 22
Career Strategies — Finding and Keeping a Job!
5:30–7 p.m. Panel discussion;
7–8 p.m. Cocktail reception
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
Join the Young Lawyers Division to get practical advice and tips for finding the perfect job. Hear from top lawyers and hiring partners about the qualifications and experiences employers are looking for. Open to all law students and lawyers in practice 10 years or less.
Wednesday, May 28
The Top Five Ways to Increase Your Legal Marketing Results in a Down Economy
Free seminar
4:30–6 p.m.
MBA, 20 West St., Boston
This seminar, free to MBA members, will answer the critical question: How can I increase new business? Learn how to protect your clients and referral sources; increase the perceived value of the services you offer; and the marketing challenges and opportunities law firms face in a down economy.
Faculty: Jim Hassett, founder, LegalBizDev, Burlington.