Lawyers Journal publicizes the recent and upcoming events of its affiliated bar associations. Submit items for publication to MBA Bar Services Liaison Patricia O. Plasse at [e-mail pplasse] by the first week of each month.Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association elects new leadership board
On April 17, the Asian-American Lawyers of Massachusetts held its 23rd Annual Banquet at the Boston Harbor Hotel with the Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley as the keynote speaker.
Also at the banquet, Superior Court Justice Richard Chin, a longtime member and role model to many, as well as the first Asian Pacific American jurist to be appointed (in 1989) in the history of the commonwealth, was presented with the AALAM Founders Award. Chin drew on his personal experience in his acceptance speech. AALAM also presented Harvard Law School student Ming Zhu with the AALAM Scholarship Award.
Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association elects new leadership board
The Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association recently elected new leadership. The statewide election took place on April 8 at the Adams Courthouse during the MBLA annual meeting and elections. Created in 1973, MBLA has approximately 200 active members and is dedicated to serving the African-American legal community by raising the bar at large through strategic alliances with other majority bar organizations.
The MBLA 2008–09 officers and directors are:
Damon Hart, partner, Holland & Knight, Boston
Immediate Past President
Nikiki Bogle, managing partner, Bogle & Chang LLC, Boston
Douglas Martin, associate, McKenzie & Associates PC, Boston
Vice President
Damian Wilmot, associate, Goodwin Procter LLC, Boston
Angela McConney, general counsel, Massachusetts Civil Service Commission
Dominic Blue, associate, Edwards, Angell, Palmer & Dodge LLP, Boston
Bob Cooper, senior counsel, OneUnited Bank
Donald LaRoche, deputy clerk, Hon. Joyce London Alexander
Angel Kelley Brown, assistant U.S. attorney, Boston
Director (Western Mass. rep.)
Charles William Groce III, principal, Law Offices of Charles Groce, Springfield
Ogor Winnie Okoye, managing partner, Winnie Law Offices, Lynn