
MBA Welcomes New members

Issue July/August 2007

MBA Welcomes New Members

Stacia T. Anderson of Ernst & Young LLP
Danielle Andreasi of Swomley & Associates
Nancy F. Baskin of Nancy F. Baskin, Esq.
Sean M. Beagan of Beagan Law Office
Mary S. Block of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Tara M. Blore
Maureen H. Breckenridge of the Law Office of Maureen Breckenridge
Diane J. Capozzoli of the Law Office of Diane J. Capozzoli
Kristina M. Cherewatti of Goldweber, Lauriello & Epstein LLP
Jared Cohane of Pepe & Hazard LLP
Matthew David Connell of Connell & Foresta
Bridgid R. Crowley of Cooley, Manion & Jones LLP
Christine A. DiSaia of Christine A. DiSaia, Attorney at Law
Sean David Ferrill of Sean Ferrill, Attorney at Law
Dana L. Fleming of Nelson, Kinder, Mosseau & Saturley PC
Meghan F. Foley of Pithie & Associates PC
Eric Joseph Fuselier
Scott F. Gleason of Gleason Law Offices PC
Peter M. Golemme of Taylor, Ganson & Perrin LLP
Dave Gresham
John T. Guerin
Joann Marie Hnat
Lindsay Johnson of Lindsay Johnson, Attorney at Law
Peter W. Kortkamp
Michael S. Lalikos of Schneider & Lalikos LLP
Katherine Davidson Laughman of Kopelman & Paige PC
William P. Lenahan of the Law Office of William P. Lenahan
Phillip Samuel Longanecker of the City of South Portland Police Dept.
William F. Maloney of William Maloney, Attorney at Law
Katie J. Mantenuto of Lander & Lander PC
Brian M. Maser of Kopelman & Paige PC
Robert Masud
Kristin Merenda of Rainer & O’Connor LLP
Gregory J. Murphy of Taylor, Ganson & Perrin LLP
Matthew W. Nowick
Ann Margaret O’Neill of Murphy, Hesse, Toomey & Lehane LLP
Jenna L. Pearson
Carol L. Powers
Ian D. Prior of Brown, Rudnick, Berlack & Israels LLP
Kevin J. Redmond of Redmond Law Offices PC
Matthew L. Reese of Pepe & Hazard LLP
Robert James Sayre of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo PC
John D. Sherratt
Morton J. Shuman of the Law Office of Morton J. Shuman
David J. Smith of David J. Smith, Attorney at Law
Philip W. Summers of Summers, Summers & Associates PC
Jeff Swetland
Erin F. Thron of Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin PC
Jeffrey D. Ugino of Kopelman & Paige PC
Brian William Valanzola of the Law Office of Brian Valanzola
Mary Veznaian of Mary Veznaian PC
Meghan E. Walt of Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP
Carla C. Ward of Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP
Robert Weinstein of the Law Office of Robert Weinstein
Elizabeth A. Weishaar
Kelly Wright of Southern New England School of Law
John T. Wyrocki III