
Lawyers Journal

The MBA's bi-monthly newspaper includes association news, practical columns and Section Review articles.

Issue March 2010

MBA Annual Conference returns: Event to be held in Boston March 11-12

After a two-year hiatus from a comprehensive annual conference, this year the Massachusetts Bar Association is bringing back its spring conference on March 11 and 12 at the Westin Copley Place in Boston's Back Bay. MBA Annual Conference 2010 will feature two full days of educational programming tied to the conference's theme of "Achieving a Competitive Advantage in Changing Times."

Lawyers having a Grand Old Party

Concord attorney Jeanne Kangas used to be knee-deep in politics. Now, she's more like hip-deep. And it's all Scott Brown's fault.

When Brown shocked the country in January by becoming the first GOP senator from Massachusetts in nearly 40 years, he also shocked Massachusetts Republican volunteers. Attorneys in leadership positions in the Bay State GOP suddenly found themselves a lot busier than they have been for many years.

Access to Justice awards given to 5 lawyers, 1 firm

Five attorneys and one law firm will be honored at the Massachusetts Bar Association's Access to Justice luncheon on Friday, March 12, as part of the MBA Annual Conference 2010.

The Access to Justice awards are bestowed upon those attorneys and law firms dedicated to helping others and enhancing the legal profession.