The Committee on Professional Ethics unanimously resolved and the Board of Delegates approved the following formal opinion of the committee:
Whereas Professor Livingston Hall, Ph.B., J.D., S.J.D. (hon.), the Roscoe Pound Professor of Law, Emeritus, in Harvard Law School, did serve the Committee on Professional Ethics, Massachusetts Bar Association, for six years, between 1973 and 1979;
Whereas Professor Livingston Hall created the Committee on Professional Ethics in its present form and led the committee unfailingly through its most difficult challenges;
Whereas Professor Livingston Hall did unselfishly and unstintingly give his guidance, support and wisdom to members of the bar when they faced confusion, frustration, and difficulty as professionals;
Whereas Professor Livingston Hall has been a teacher and a leader in the highest sense to this committee, to the Massachusetts Bar Association, and to Massachusetts lawyers;
We, the Committee on Professional Ethics, Massachusetts Bar Association, do this 12th day of May, 1980, unanimously vote to have this tribute to Professor Livingston Hall as a formal Opinion of this committee.
Permission to publish granted by the Board of Delegates on May 21, 1980.
As stated in the Rules of the Committee on Professional Ethics, this advice is that of a committee without official governmental status.