
Ethics Opinion

Opinion No. 74-11

November 1974

Summary: A lawyer may publish a dignified announcement of his availability to act as consultant to or associate with other lawyers in a particular branch of law in the Massachusetts Lawyers Diary and Manual.

Facts: The Legal Editor of the Massachusetts Lawyers Diary and Manual inquires whether Massachusetts Lawyers for a prepaid fee may list themselves as consultants in the 1975 edition of that book, which is sold exclusively to lawyers and is not offered for sale to the general public.

Discussion: We believe that the Massachusetts Lawyers Diary and Manual, which we know to be published annually, is to be regarded as a "legal journal" for purposes of Disciplinary Rule DR 2-105(A)(3). Accordingly our Opinion No. 74-4 would be applicable to this publication, and thus we believe that a lawyer properly may arrange for inclusion in the book of a dignified announcement of his availability to act as consultant to or associate with other lawyers in a particular branch of law.

Permission to publish granted by the Board of Delegates, 1974. As stated in the Rules of the Committee on Professional Ethics, this advice is that of a committee without official governmental status.