"1st Circuit rejects age bias claim of terminated Trader Joe’s worker," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 2). MBA Labor & Employment Section Council member Gavriela M. Bogin-Farber and MBA member Todd J. Bennett commented on a 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that a 77-year-old woman could not sue Trader Joe's for age discrimination after she was fired for buying beer for her 19-year-old grandson at the store where they worked.
"Cannabis industry watching 1st Circuit case with interest," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 2). MBA Cannabis and Hemp Law Practice Group member Michael P. Ross discussed a 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals case pertaining to the federal government's treatment of cannabis as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.
"Casino can’t be sued for gambler’s off-site holdup," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 2). Massachusetts Law Review Editorial Board member Patrick M. Hanley and MBA member Nicholas B. Carter commented on a U.S. District Court judge's decision that a casino had no duty to prevent the robbery of a gambler who claimed that criminals followed him from the premises and accosted him at a service station.
"Boston partner savors Guns N’ Roses cover gig," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 2). Massachusetts Law Review Book Review Editor Matthew A. Kane recalled his experience playing drums for a Guns N' Roses cover band at The Sinclair in Harvard Square in 2018.
"Medical record impoundment, offer of proof divide Appeals Court panel," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Nov. 25). MBA Past President Jeffrey N. Catalano and and MBA members Elizabeth N. Mulvey and Anthony E. Abeln commented on an Appeals Court case pertaining to the impoundment of medical records and the burden of proof for plaintiffs arguing before a medical malpractice tribunal convened pursuant to G.L.c. 231, §60B.
"General contractor not entitled to defense for sub’s defective work," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Nov. 25). MBA members Eric F. Eisenberg and Michael S. Melville discussed a 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that a commercial general liability insurer had no duty to defend a general contractor in an apartment developer's lawsuit alleging faulty work by subcontractors.
- "Adult film distributor gets $21K vs. ‘John Doe’ infringer," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Nov. 25). MBA Intellectual Property Practice Group member Craig R. Smith discussed a federal court case involving an internet user's alleged copyright infringement of online adult films.
- "Humility, honesty, kindness and gratitude: commencement speech rings true for litigator," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Nov. 25). The MBA's Lawyer Well-Being Committee published the final article in its series on the importance of civility in the legal profession.
- "The Latest Alumni News," Boston College Law School Magazine (Nov. 22). Victoria M. Santoro's recent election as MBA president was featured in an alumni news roundup for Boston College Law School.