
Turco touts collaboration at meeting of bench and bar leaders

Thursday, April 4, 2024
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Top: MBA President Damian J. Turco addresses court and bar leaders.

Bottom: Event speakers, from left: BBA President Hannah L. Kilson; MBA President Damian J. Turco; SJC Chief Justice Kimberly S. Budd; Trial Court Chief Justice Heidi Brieger; Trial Court Chief Access, Diversity, and Fairness Officer Natoschia Scruggs, Ph.D.; and Trial Court Administrator Thomas Ambrosino.

Massachusetts Bar Association President Damian J. Turco was a featured speaker at the annual meeting of bench and bar leaders at the Supreme Judicial Court on Wednesday, March 27. Led by SJC Chief Justice Kimberly S. Budd, the meeting brought together bar presidents, chief justices and clerks from around the commonwealth to discuss the state of the court system in Massachusetts, including its most pressing needs in the upcoming state budget process.

During the event, Turco spoke about the MBA’s support for the court and encouraged continued collaboration between bar and court leaders. In addition to Turco and Budd, other speakers included Trial Court Chief Justice Heidi Brieger; Trial Court Administrator Thomas Ambrosino; Trial Court Chief Access, Diversity, and Fairness Officer Natoschia Scruggs, Ph.D.; and Boston Bar Association President Hannah L. Kilson.