
April 24 Complex Commercial Litigation Conference to feature judicial, business tort panels

Thursday, April 4, 2024
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The Massachusetts Bar Association’s Complex Commercial Litigation Council will be hosting its Ninth Annual Complex Commercial Litigation Conference in person at Suffolk University Law School on Wednesday, April 24, from 2-5:30 p.m. The conference is a great opportunity to learn from and network with the commonwealth's leading commercial litigation practitioners as well as esteemed members of the Massachusetts judiciary.

This year’s keynote speaker will be the Hon. Michael D. Ricciuti, chief justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court.

Chief Justice Ricciuti was appointed by Governor Charlie Baker to the Superior Court in 2017. He has served in five counties and serves six-month rotations in the Business Litigation Session. He is the judge appointed to oversee the Massachusetts Asbestos Litigation docket and its hundreds of cases statewide. His current committee participation includes serving on the Superior Court Judicial Education Committee and the Supreme Judicial Court Advisory Committee on Massachusetts Evidence Law. He also serves as a judicial mentor.

Chief Justice Ricciuti began his legal career in 1987 as a law clerk for the Hon. A. David Mazzone in the U.S. District Court. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College and a cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School. He has served on a wide variety of legal and community committees, currently serving on the Boston Bar Journal Board of Editors.

Conference highlights also include:

  • Panel of distinguished Massachusetts Superior Court jurists
  • Panel on business torts
  • A networking reception following the program
This conference will be offered as a hybrid. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend in person, but there will be a remote option for those who wish to attend virtually. We will send information on remote participation prior to the conference.


Registration is required by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 22, to participate in this conference. If you plan to attend virtually via Zoom, an email from MassBar Education with the webinar ID and password will be sent before the program.