
Featured CLE: Nuts and Bolts of Written Discovery in a Civil Trial, April 11

Thursday, April 4, 2024

MassBarEducatesIn a civil trial, disclosure of information between plaintiffs and defendants is critical to help support or defend their position in the case. Written discovery is no exception and another tool to obtain information.

Join our panel of experts as they take a deeper dive into "written discovery" and offer perspectives from the plaintiff's side, the defendant's side and the bench, focusing on the three standard forms:

  • Interrogatories under Rule 33
  • Request for production under Rule 34 and
  • Request for admission under Rule 36

The program will help you determine when and how to identify the second round of needed written discovery requests, and show you how to obtain information and documents agreed to be produced during the deposition. The panel will also go into detail on what to do when timely written discovery responses are not produced, explore motion strategies for incomplete or insufficient discovery responses and discuss the effective use of motions to strike.

Nuts and Bolts of Written Discovery in a Civil Trial
Thursday, April 11, 4-6 p.m.
MBA Zoom Webinar
Click here to register.

This program will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is required by noon on Thursday, April 11, to participate in the program. An email from MassBar Education with the Webinar ID and Password will be sent before the program.