U.S. Bankruptcy Court issues standing order
On Sept. 22, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts issued Standing Order 2023-01, Order Rescinding Fourth Amended Standing Order 2020-03 and Modifying the Means of Filing pleadings by Pro Se/Unrepresented Parties.
The order can be found
Western New England to present symposium on
race and the law
The Western New England Law Review will host a Zoom event, "The Color of Law: The Intersection of Race and the Law Symposium," on Friday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
The event will feature a keynote address by Richard Rothstein,
New York Times bestselling author of "The Color of Law," along with lectures on race and immigration and disability law by esteemed law professors. The day will also include panel discussions on criminal justice and child welfare law, bringing together judges, law professors and practitioners to provide comprehensive perspectives on these critical issues.
Register here.
Job Opening
Assistant general counsel at State Ethics Commission
The State Ethics Commission is seeking candidates for the full-time position of assistant general counsel. The assistant general will report to the commission’s general counsel and be a member of the commission’s Legal Division.
Duties for this position will include:
- "Providing advice concerning G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, and G.L. c. 268B, the financial disclosure law.
- Acting as the legal advisor to members of the commission during agency adjudicatory proceedings.
- Reviewing disclosures filed with the commission.
- Assisting in drafting regulations, advisories, and other informational materials concerning c. 268A and c. 268B.
Requirements include a juris doctor degree from an accredited law school and a minimum of three years of legal employment experience. Applicants must be members in good standing of the Massachusetts bar.
Click here for more information and to apply.
USDC approves amendments to Local Rules
The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts has approved previously issued proposed amendments to Local Rules 40.1 (Assignment of Cases) and 67.3 (Disbursement of Registry Funds).
The amendments will be effective on Oct. 2 and can be viewed