
Court and Community News

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023
Opening on SJC Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct


The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) invite applications for appointment to the Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct. This committee advises the court on all issues and proposals relating to the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct, and reports to the SJC Rules Committee.

There is one position available for a three-year term with the possibility of reappointment to a second, consecutive term.

The justices seek applicants from diverse backgrounds across the commonwealth who are willing to devote their time and energy to the committee's work and who have experience in dealing with ethical issues involving the practice of law.

Committee members are expected to attend all meetings, the scheduling of which varies with the committee's work. Members may also be assigned to subcommittees that meet more frequently than does the full committee. Outside of meetings, members may conduct research and draft materials in support of the committee's work.

Applicants should submit a resume and a letter describing their experience and interest in serving on the committee by Wednesday, Oct. 4, to Chip Phinney, deputy legal counsel, at Questions about the application process may also be addressed to him.