
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, July 13, 2023


  • "At 96, accidental lawyer still at it," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 10). MBA member Francis J. DiMento was profiled in a story about his lengthy and still-ongoing career in the legal profession.

  • "Impish, but inspirational: Probate Court’s Ginsburg remembered for myriad contributions," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 10). Retired Probate and Family Court Judge Edward M. Ginsburg, an MBA member, was remembered in an article following his recent passing. The article featured reflections from several MBA members, including retired Probate Court Judge David G. Sacks, who serves on the MBA's Dispute Resolution Section Council; retired Superior Court Judge Paul A. Chernoff; Probate Court Judge Dana S. Doyle; and Leonard Zandrow Jr.

  • "Boston law firm’s 100th anniversary catches attention of mayor, governor," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 10). MBA members Jaclyn L. KugellRobert C. Papandrea and Gregory A. Manousos were pictured at Boston law firm Morgan, Brown & Joy's recent 100th anniversary celebration.
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