
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022


  • "Port attorney named Mass Bar Association president-elect," The Daily News of Newburyport (Sept. 15). Damian J. Turco's election as MBA president-elect for the 2022-23 year was announced in his local newspaper.

  • "SJC weighs case said to involve ‘sandbagging’ by defense attorney," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Sept. 12). MBA Amicus Curiae Committee Chair Thomas J. Carey Jr. was quoted in an article about the Supreme Judicial Court's call for amicus briefs in a case involving a judge's question to defense counsel at a readiness conference.

  • "Superior Court moves to normalize Zoom proceedings," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Sept. 12). MBA Executive Management Board member Anthony J. Benedetti and MBA member Peter J. Ainsworth commented on the Superior Court's adoption of a new standing order that expands the use of videoconferencing for both criminal and civil proceedings.

  • "People in Business," The Republican (Sept. 9). MBA member Amelia J. Holstrom was announced as the newly elected clerk of the board of directors for Clinical Support Options.

  • "Personnel File — Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022," State House News Service (Sept. 8). Grace V.B. Garcia was announced as the new president of the MBA.
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