
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, April 14, 2022


  • “Case of slain Braintree nurse on hold pending mental evaluation of accused killer,” Patriot Ledger (April 14). MBA Executive Management Board Member Peter Elikann explained the concept of competency in the context of a criminal trial. 

  • "Email of draft press release subject to privilege," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 11). MBA Complex Commercial Litigation Section Council member Jonathan D. Plaut and MBA member George A. Berman commented on a Superior Court judge's decision that the attorney-client privilege applied to a draft press release embedded in the text of an email from a client to its litigation counsel.

  • "Double comp awarded for ‘serious and wilful’ misconduct," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 11). MBA member Austin T. Powell discussed a decision from the Department of Industrial Accidents to uphold an award of double compensation under the “serious and wilful” misconduct provision of the state workers’ compensation statute.

  • "Legitimate gift or criminal bribe? ‘Varsity Blues’ prosecutions raise ‘profound’ legal, ethical question," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 11). MBA member Harvey A. Silverglate wrote an article addressing the question of how to distinguish between a legitimate gift and a criminal bribe in the world of college admissions.

  • "Local ‘Trial Advocates’ chapter holds long-awaited annual dinner," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 11). Among those mentioned in a recap of the Massachusetts chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates' recent annual dinner were MBA member Edward D. McCarthy and Boston Municipal Court Judge Debra A. Delvecchio, who both won awards; Judicial Administration Section Council member Kathy Jo Cook and MBA member Russell X. Pollock, who were introduced as new officers; and MBA member Martin J. Rooney and MBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee member Marianne C. LeBlanc, who received president's plaques.
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