
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, July 1, 2021


  • "Plaintiffs’ bid to hale foreign resort into local federal court extended," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). MBA COVID-19 Response Task Force member Kathy Jo Cook and MBA member Charlotte E. Glinka commented on a federal magistrate judge's decision to allow jurisdictional discovery before a decision is reached on whether a suit against a foreign resort should be dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction. 

  • "Eviction lawyers say they’re not seeing tidal wave of new cases," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). MBA Real Estate Law Section Council member Jordana Roubicek Greenman and MBA member Richard D. Vetstein discussed the likelihood that Massachusetts will see a surge in evictions now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention moratorium has expired.

  • "‘Saving Statute’ preserves otherwise untimely legal-mal suit," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). MBA Complex Commercial Litigation Section Council member Jonathan D. Plaut was quoted in an article about a Superior Court judge's decision finding that the state's "Saving Statute" and the Supreme Judicial Court's COVID-19 orders combined to preserve an otherwise untimely legal malpractice action.
  • "Thank you to a ‘tireless advocate’ for access to justice," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). An editorial highlighted the many accomplishments of MBA member Jayne Tyrrell in her more than 30 years as executive director of the Massachusetts IOLTA Committee. The editorial also quoted MBA Labor & Employment Law Section Council member Nancy S. Shilepsky and MBA member Mary K. Ryan.

  • "Changes to alcohol distribution laws put some franchise protections on ice," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). MBA member Michael J. Rossi wrote an article explaining a new Massachusetts law that affects the relationship between alcohol producers and wholesalers.

  • "One and all in attendance at bar group’s Annual Judicial Dinner," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 28). MBA President Denise I. Murphy was pictured at the Hampden County Bar Association's Annual Judicial Dinner on June 10 in Holyoke.
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