
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020


  • "Info from journalists isn’t ‘work product,’" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 30). MBA member Thomas R. Murphy discussed a federal judge's ruling, which found that information received by an attorney through an informal relationship with investigative journalists did not qualify for the work product exception to discovery.

  • "Trustee can’t sell auto policy back to insurance carrier," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 30). MBA member Joseph H. Baldiga was quoted about a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge's ruling, which found that a Chapter 7 trustee could not sell the debtor's automobile policy back to his insurance company to settle a dispute involving a pre-petition waiver of accident coverage.

  • "Summary judgment motions: Don’t forget to kick the tires," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 30). Hon. Douglas H. Wilkins, an MBA member and a Superior Court judge, co-wrote an article listing important questions for attorneys to consider before filing summary judgment motions.

  • "Civil legal aid champions honored at State House awards ceremony," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 30). MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, who recently received a Beacon of Justice Award from the Equal Justice Coalition, was pictured with fellow honorees in the "People in the Law" section.

  • "Debt collector seeking OK to compel arbitration," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 23). MBA member Josef C. Culik discussed a Supreme Judicial Court case in which a debt collection agency is seeking to avail itself of a creditor's agreement in order to compel arbitration and stop a class-action lawsuit.

  • "Grandmother can be liable for grandfather’s sex abuse," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 23). MBA members Carmen L. Durso and Mitchell Garabedian commented on a U.S. District Court judge's decision finding that a grandmother may be held liable for negligent supervision after she allegedly failed to prevent her husband's sexual abuse of their granddaughter.

  • "Clients’ Security Board’s GC retires after 30 years," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 23). MBA member Karen D. O’Toole, who has retired as general counsel and executive director of the Clients' Security Board, reflected on her 30-year career with the organization.

In Other News

Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.

"Our View: When you need a lawyer," The Eagle-Tribune (Jan. 1), via @EqualJusticeMA.

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