Vacancy on the SJC's Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure
The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) invite nominations and applications for appointment to the court's Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure. This committee advises the court on all issues and proposals relating to the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure, and reports to the SJC Rules Committee.
There is one position available. For this position, the justices seek applications from experienced civil trial practitioners with diverse backgrounds. The successful applicant will be appointed to a three-year term with the possibility of reappointment to a second, consecutive term.
Committee members are expected to attend all meetings, the scheduling of which varies with the committee's work. Members also may be assigned to subcommittees that meet more frequently than does the full committee. Outside of meetings, members may conduct research and draft materials in support of the committee's work.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter and one-page resume to
Anna Rachel Dray-Siegel at anna.dray-siegel@jud.state.ma.us by Jan. 25,
2021. If you have questions about the application process or the position,
contact Dray-Siegel.
Job Opening
Director at Mass LOMAP
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) is seeking a seasoned and innovative leader to act as director of its Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program (Mass LOMAP). The position provides a significant opportunity to work remotely, particularly during the pandemic, but requires a good-faith intention to participate in future in-person meetings and work with lawyers and LCL | Mass LOMAP staff in Massachusetts — public health concerns permitting.
Under the supervision of LCL’s executive director, this position has four main areas of responsibility:
1. Supervise LOMAP’s team of practice management advisors (PMAs)
2. Participate/engage in the day-to-day work of PMAs
3. Set the tone, direction and objectives for the LOMAP group and actively participate in LCL’s organization-wide strategic planning process
4. Provide operational and leadership support to LCL’s executive director and other staff as appropriate and needed
The position requires a B.A., a J.D., and membership in good standing of a state bar, preferably Massachusetts. Additional qualifications include experience in law office management or risk management, including trust and operating account administration, and knowledge of relevant technology; and several years’ experience in legal practice, preferably in Massachusetts.
For the full job description and application instructions, visit the Mass LOMAP website.
MRWA seeks proposals for
workers' compensation legal services
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MRWA) requests proposals to provide insurance consultant services. The MRWA is seeking the services of a firm to provide legal advice and counseling for workers’ compensation matters, including representation in matters being litigated before the Division of Industrial Accidents and/or the commonwealth's courts. The contract will be for a three-year term.
Interested firms may obtain the complete Request for Qualification Statements/Proposals (RFQ/P) documents on the MWRA Supplier Portal. Proposals must be submitted by 11 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 8, 2021.
No paper proposals will be accepted. The only way to access the RFQ/P documents and to submit proposals for this project is to register on the MWRA Supplier Portal and join the Plan Holders’ List. A Registration Guide and Bidder Guide are available on the MWRA Supplier Portal.