
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020


  • "Litigators see more questions than answers in jury trial plan," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 17). MBA members Brendan G. Carney and Cathryn Spaulding responded to the recommendations of the Supreme Judicial Court's Jury Management Advisory Committee regarding the resumption of jury trials.
  • "Variance not needed to exceed height requirement," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 17). MBA member Jonathan Silverstein commented on an Appeals Court decision finding that homeowners did not need a variance to replace a pre-existing nonconforming garage with a new one that would exceed municipal height restrictions.  

  • "When is a trust not a trust?" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 17). MBA Probate Law Section Council member Melissa Langa co-wrote an article outlining the many legal requirements that must be met to create a trust.

  • "Environmental Police lieutenant under investigation after unauthorized body camera recordings appear on Facebook," The Boston Globe (Aug. 14). MBA Criminal Justice Section Council member Peter Elikann discussed the legal concerns surrounding body camera footage allegedly recorded without authorization by an Environmental Police lieutenant and later posted to Facebook. The Associated Press also covered the story, which was then published by WBURU.S. News & World Report and many other outlets. 
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