The Massachusetts Bar Foundation proudly announces that it will present the 2019 President’s Award to Elizabeth M. Lynch at its upcoming Grantee Appreciation Reception. All MBF Fellows, grantees and friends are welcome to attend. This event will take place as follows:
Date: Thursday, Sept. 26
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Nutter McClennen & Fish, 155 Seaport Blvd., Boston
The reception is an annual event to recognize the foundation’s grant recipients and to honor exemplary supporters of the MBF. This year, the MBF awarded $2.5 million to 91 programs conducted by 58 different nonprofit organizations statewide through its IOLTA Grants Program. Additional grants were provided for law student internships at legal assistance organizations and for a law-related education program.
The trustees look forward to recognizing Lynch's many years of service and dedication to the MBF at the reception. Lynch served as a member of the MBF staff for more than 19 years. As the MBF’s executive director since 2005, she managed all aspects of the foundation's operations, from grant-making to fundraising. She helped the foundation distribute record amounts of IOLTA funding and led the organization through the leanest years of the recession. Lynch recently stepped down to become executive director of the Cabot Family Charitable Trust.
The MBF hosts grantee receptions annually to show its appreciation to the MBF grantees and supporters. Join us at this event to learn more about the MBF. For more information or to RSVP, click here.