(Top photos) Conference co-chairs (left photo): Kenneth N. Thayer, Esq. (left) and Nicholas Stellakis, Esq. (right). Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Associate Justice David A. Lowy (right photo) delivered the conference keynote.
(Middle photo) View from the Bench Panelists: Hon. Rosemary Connolly; Hon. Leo T. Sorokin; Hon. Janet L. Sanders; Hon. Christopher J. Panos; Julie E. Green, Esq.; and Conference Co-Chair Kenneth N. Thayer, Esq.
(Bottom photo) Trending Issues in Business Litigation, Intellectual Property and Bankruptcy Panelists (from left): Andrew T. O'Connor, Esq.; Francis C. Morrissey, Esq.; Erin K. Higgins, Esq.; Sara Jane Shanahan, Esq.; and MBA Complex Commercial Litigation Section Chair Matthew J. Ginsburg, Esq.
The Massachusetts Bar Association's Complex Commercial Litigation Section Council hosted its annual Complex Commercial Litigation Conference on April 23.
The conference featured two panels on:
Trending Issues in Business Litigation, Intellectual Property and Bankruptcy: Insights from Leading Attorney Practitioners
The View from the Bench: Perspectives on Complex Civil Litigation from the State and Federal Judiciary
In addition, this year's keynote was given by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Associate Justice David A. Lowy.
Missed the conference? Catch up on pressing issues in each of the three substantive litigation areas that complex commercial litigation encompasses: business, intellectual property and bankruptcy. Click here to access the program via MBA On Demand.
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