
News from the courts/agencies

Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018
Two MBA members among 2018-19 Access to Justice Fellows; SJC Rules Committee seeks comments on proposed amendments to SJC Rules 4:04 - 4:09


Two MBA members among 2018-19 Access to Justice Fellows

MBA members Janet Aserkoff and Harvey Weiner were announced as 2018-19 Access to Justice Fellows at an event held at the John Adams Courthouse in Boston on Thursday, Oct. 11.

The Access to Justice Fellows Program, a project of the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission and the Lawyers Clearinghouse, provides senior lawyers and retired judges the opportunity to work on pro bono legal projects from September through June. The projects must be focused on increasing access to justice for Massachusetts residents or on increasing a nonprofit organization's capacity to accomplish a social justice mission. 

Aserkoff and Weiner were among 20 fellows introduced by Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants, and will be working, respectively, with Community Legal Services and Counseling Center and the Massachusetts Bar Foundation.


SJC Rules Committee seeks comments on proposed amendments to SJC Rules 4:04 - 4:09 

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rules Committee solicits comments on proposed amendments to SJC Rules 4:04 - 4:09 and to the Rules of the Clients' Security Board. In both sets of rules, the amendments are intended to conform the rules to the board's practice, to update terminology, to reflect gender neutrality and to insure consistent terminology throughout the rules.

To view the proposed amendments, click here.

Comments should be directed to Christine P. Burak, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA  02108, on or before Nov. 30, 2018. Comments may also be emailed to Comments received will be made available to the public.