Notice of openings on the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission
The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court invite applications for a limited number of at-large appointments to the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission, each for a three-year term, commencing on Aug. 1, 2018. The justices seek applicants from diverse backgrounds across the commonwealth who are willing to devote their time and energy to improving the justice system and who have demonstrated a commitment to and experience in assisting persons unable to afford legal counsel for their essential civil legal needs.
The Access to Justice Commission was established in 2005 to provide leadership, vision, and coordination in the search for equal justice for all persons in the commonwealth. Recent commission initiatives include completing a strategic action plan with proposals for pilot projects in housing and consumer debt; establishing the Civil Appeals Pro Bono Program and the Access to Justice Fellows program; and spearheading allocation of federal funding for civil legal aid for victims of crime.
Applicants should submit a résumé and a letter describing their experience and interest in serving on the Access to Justice Commission by June 15, 2018 to Chip Phinney, deputy legal counsel, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108, either by mail or by email to Chip.Phinney@jud.state.ma.us.
Suffolk University Law School seeks assistant director, law professional & career development
Suffolk University Law School welcomes applications for the position of assistant director, professional & career development from qualified candidates looking to work as part of an outstanding team of professionals utilizing their legal training to guide and advise students as they enter the profession. Reporting to the associate dean for professional and career development, the assistant director will assist law students with their professional development through career counseling, employer development and professional skills training. The assistant director will work collaboratively with the entire PCD team to develop and deliver professional development classes and programs that most effectively prepare students for 21st century practice and the legal job market in a wide range of practice settings.
Learn more about the position, and apply, here.