- "Inside one state’s effort to help borrowers erase their student debt in bankruptcy." MarketWatch (Feb. 14). The MBA's newly launched Student Loan Bankruptcy Assistance Project was featured.
- "A national ‘teach-in’ on gender-based violence.” Boston Globe (February 10). MBA Vice President Denise I. Murphy, an employment law partner at Rubin and Rudman, was quoted about the workplace consequences of domestic violence.
- “Non-action by board amounts to plan’s approval,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 12). MBA member Christopher R. Agostino was quoted in a story about a Superior Court ruling (United Medical Waste Management, Inc. v. Board of Health of the Town of Webster), which found that a company’s proposed site plan for a medical waste facility was deemed approved when the town’s board of health failed to act on the application within 45 days as required by law.
- “Impact of custodial removal decision can’t be ignored,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 12). MBA member Matthew P. Barach wrote an op-ed that called the Supreme Judicial Court’s holding in Miller v. Miller a “game-changer in custodial removal matters.” Barach represented the wife in that case.
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Massachusetts court ruling: Consent to search car doesn’t include under hood, WWLP22News (Feb. 13)
Emergency Planning Guide for Families,” Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, via @CivilLegalAid (Feb. 9)