
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Dec. 20, 2018


  • The Cannabis Control Commission’s Special Commission on Operating Under the Influence and Impaired Driving met in Boston on Friday, Dec. 14, less than three weeks before it will submit recommended policy changes to help state lawmakers address the issue of marijuana-impaired driving. MBA Executive Management Board member Peter T. Elikann, who represents the MBA on the special commission, was quoted in subsequent stories published by The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald and MassLive. He was also featured in TV segments on WCVB-TV and 7News Boston.

  • “SJC questions timeliness of lawyer’s fee collection claim,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 17). MBA members Julie R. Bryan and Seth J. Robbins were quoted in a story about the Supreme Judicial Court’s consideration of a fee claim made more than six years after the filing attorney’s firm had been discharged by its former client. 

  • “Planning for solos: traps to avoid, tips to follow,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Dec. 17). MBA member Debra L. Smith wrote a series of recommendations designed to help attorneys navigate the personal, financial and other challenges associated with operating as a sole practitioner.

  • MBA President Christopher A. Kenney appeared as a special guest speaker at the 14th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2018, held on Nov. 9 and 10 at Harvard University in Cambridge. A video of Kenney's remarks was recently posted to the conference's YouTube channel.

In Other News

Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.

"The 'NOT to-do list' to manage tasks and distractions," New York State Bar Association Journal (Dec. 20), via @NYSBA.

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