- “Experts: MEPA posing perils for law firms, too,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 13). MBA members Tracy Thomas Boland, Rebecca Pontikes and Nina J. Kimball were quoted in a story about the need for employment law firms to be cognizant of their own salary practices now that the Massachusetts Equal Pay Act has taken effect.
- “Warantless tracking of cellphone allowed,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 13). MBA member Murat Erkan was quoted about an Appeals Court decision (Commonwealth v. Raspberry), which found that the “emergency aid exception” justified the warrantless use of cellphone tracking to locate a woman who had threatened to carry out a shooting.
- “Charitable cap: plead it or lose it, court says,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 14). MBA members Marianne C. LeBlanc and Elizabeth N. Mulvey were quoted about an Appeals Court decision (Larkin v. Dedham Medical Associates, Inc.), which found that a trial defendant’s attempt to invoke the charitable liability cap as an affirmative defense would be prejudicial to the plaintiffs.
- “Boston’s big firms combining their voices,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 14). MBA member Lisa H. Barton was quoted about a letter released last month by the Boston Larger Law Firm Managing Partner Group, whose members committed to ending the widespread issue of workplace misconduct, as revealed in a recent Women’s Bar Association survey.
- “Calculating lost profits: an overview,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Aug. 14).
MBA member Stephen L. Ferraro wrote an advice column to help forensic accountants calculate lost profits in litigation matters involving commercial damages. - “Saliva test for drivers is 'going to be challenged,'” Boston Herald (Aug. 10).
MBA Executive Management Board member Peter T. Elikann, who serves on the Special Commission on Operating Under the Influence and Impaired Driving, was quoted in a story about the legality of administering saliva tests to drivers suspected of operating under the influence of marijuana. Elikann said the spit swab test, which is currently being piloted by the State Police, will inevitably “be challenged in courts,” as well as reviewed by the commission.
In Other News
Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.
"What does Massachusetts' noncompete reform mean for you?" The Republican (Aug. 16), via @shiraschoenberg.
"Thousands of OUI cases could be thrown out as DAs question accuracy of breathalyzers,"WWLP-22News (Aug. 15), via @WWLP22News.
"Law firm Burns & Levinson moving Boston headquarters," Boston Business Journal (Aug. 14), via @BosBizJournal.
"Renting rights," Mass Consumer Affairs Blog (Aug. 13), via @Mass_Consumer.
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