
Notable & Quotable: In Other News

Thursday, Sep. 21, 2017

Notable 2

Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.

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CPCS alerts media of petition seeking relief from convictions tainted by Amherst lab chemist and the misconduct of two assistant attorneys general (@CPCSnews)

Enforcement of pot OUI goes up in smoke (Boston Herald, shared by @BobMcGovernJr)

Law360: New state-based legal news and analysis wire (Law360)

Mass. high court says sobriety tests aren't definitive evidence for pot use (Boston Globe)

Trial of pharmacist charged in deadly meningitis outbreak begins (Boston Globe)

Answers to your questions about the Equifax hack (New York Times, shared by @IndianaStateBar)

ABA urges SCOTUS to invalidate president's travel ban (ABA Journal)

ABA urges State Department to prioritize human rights, justice and rule of law (@ABANews)