Baseball Arbitration: It's not just Fun and Games
By Jeff Stern
"I just want it to be over with." It's a phrase that most
experienced mediators have heard fairly often. It's almost always
heard in private caucus, to be concealed from the other side, but
not infrequently we hear it in both rooms. The parties are stuck
and in agreement only on the shared desire to make the case go
away. And so what is a mediator to do? Obviously, we
have a number of tools in the mediation tool box to deal with
impasse, including use of brackets to move the parties closer, or a
"mediator's proposal. If none of those work, there is a hybrid
procedure called "Med/Arb," the process by which a mediator (by
agreement of the parties) switches hats and becomes the arbitrator
of the dispute. However, that is a controversial procedure raising
several issues, most notably the question of how (or whether) the
mediator-turned-arbitrator should (or can) rely on confidentially
obtained information in reaching a decision. Even among TMG's panel
of neutrals it is controversial. That's a topic for another day and
perhaps another newsletter article. For today, though, the focus is
a form of arbitration which I have suggested several times, but
only once succeeded in securing an agreement of the parties (who
were pleased with how it worked), and it was prior to my arrival at
TMG. That process is known in dispute resolution circles as Final
Offer Arbitration (FOA), but is better known as Baseball
Arbitration, because it is in the realm of major league baseball
salary disputes that the procedure has been widely used.
First, a very brief history: going back to its earliest days in
the 19th century, owners of major league teams tried to
suppress salaries of players by restricting their ability to
negotiate with rival teams. They were remarkably successful in this
effort, which culminated in what came to be known as the "reserve
clause." While this was upheld as recently as 1972 by the Supreme
Court in Flood v. Kuhn, 407 U.S. 258, the times were changing, and
the face of change was Marvin Miller, a former labor economist who
in 1966 had become the Executive Director of the Major League
Baseball Players Association. Under Miller's leadership, players
were no longer bound to their teams for life, causing salaries to
skyrocket. While FOA had come into use earlier in the realm of
labor negotiations, it was Miller who negotiated it into a
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between players and major
league teams, after the Flood case.
Here is how baseball arbitration works, in its original context.
First, it applies only to disputes over salary and
only for one year. No other dispute (for example, a no-trade
clause) can be on the table. The player and the team each submit a
proposed salary to a panel of three arbitrators. The proposals are
submitted blindly to the other side and simultaneously, but are
then disclosed. The parties then have a short period of time to
negotiate and a strikingly large percentage of the disputes (more
than 80%) resolve prior to a hearing. For unsettled disputes, the
hearings are very short (90 minutes per side) and the criteria are
tightly delineated. The unique and defining feature of the
procedure is that the panel can only select one of
the two numbers as being the more reasonable. The arbitrators
cannot reach any middle ground, nor can they land outside of the
numbers bracketed by the parties. No written opinion is provided
and the decision is required to be reached very quickly.
While I propose below that baseball arbitration can and should
be adapted to other kinds of cases, there are some notable features
about salary disputes that are particularly (though not uniquely as
I argue below) amenable to this procedure. First, there is always
only one, very discrete, issue. Secondly, the procedure defines
what criteria are to be considered, and that criteria exists in the
objective form of familiar baseball statistics: batting average,
home runs, RBI's etc. Thirdly, the arbitrators have clear
comparables -- this shortstop measured against the performance of
other shortstops -- as well as published information about what
other shortstops earn.
While these features probably contribute to the high rate of
settlement, I believe that it is the procedure itself which
inherently promotes settlements. By forcing each side to submit
what it believes to be a reasonable figure, the dynamic is toward
converging numbers. In standard arbitration, where the widely held
perception is that arbitrators "split the baby," (a perception not
shared at TMG, by the way) this concern promotes diverging or even
extreme positions. It is worth noting, of course, that staking out
extreme positions is not limited to conventional arbitration. As
mediators, we see it every day: ("He's in the stratosphere;" "I
can't bid against that offer -- it's insulting," etc.). While there
are, of course, situations where one side or the other may have an
irrational belief about what a reasonable salary should be, causing
the two numbers to be more divergent than expected, the system
makes it self-defeating to put forward a proposal that the player
or the team does not believe to be serious.
And so for readers who are not shortstops or center fielders,
and do not represent shortstops or center fielders, here is why I
believe this matters. In my view, baseball arbitration is an
under-utilized dispute resolution procedure. Lawyers are creatures
of habit, and the very lack of familiarity may account for its
relative lack of popularity, but here are some reasons why I think
it is worthy of consideration for many disputes that have nothing
to do with baseball. It should certainly be considered for those
disputes that share some of the features discussed above -- single
issues, with available objective data. An obvious example would be
a long-term lease, with future rentals for later determination. As
with salaries, there is objective data and the parties could even
agree in advance of any dispute about comparable properties.
Another possible arena is family law, where disputes over such
things as modifications to child support or changes to visitation
arrangements could be dealt with in this way.
I do not accept, however, that baseball arbitration can only be
used in single-issue disputes. In most tort cases, for example,
there may be factual and legal issues as to liability, damages, and
causation. Those issues will obviously affect what each side
believes to be a reasonable settlement value for the case. And yet
balancing all those issues is a familiar exercise for lawyers and
claims professionals. There is no reason, therefore, why baseball
arbitration could not work effectively in such cases, and
especially for those where the potential damages are
disproportionately small in relation to the cost of trial. It is
not necessary that each side balance the factors in the same way.
An insurer, for example, might question the extent of claimed
damages, but assess the liability as stronger for the plaintiff
than the plaintiff himself does, perhaps because of incomplete
information. In such a situation, for very different reasons the
parties could nevertheless be within striking distance of each
other as to overall settlement value, and the arbitrator (perhaps
weighing all the criteria in his own way) would determine which
recommended figure is the most reasonable.
As noted above, the tendency toward convergence of proposals and
concomitant promotion of settlement is a major positive feature of
baseball arbitration. However, the system also has much to
recommend it for cases that do not settle. By putting forward
proposals that they deem reasonable, and thus narrowing the gap,
the parties have also controlled their degree of risk. And with
less at stake between a win and a loss, the parties can also
re-assess how much expense they should prudently incur in the
arbitration. As in any arbitration -- except where procedures are
locked in by some prior agreement -- the arbitrator can help the
parties tailor the procedure to the dispute, by limiting discovery,
for example, or streamlining the hearing schedule. These
discussions could occur before or after the disclosure of the
numbers. In an appropriate case, the parties could forego discovery
altogether. The point is that the frequent complaints about
arbitration, especially that its length, complexity and costs too
often mirror the kinds of litigation it was intended to supplant,
can be meaningfully addressed using baseball arbitration. It is a
procedure for which I will continue to advocate in appropriate
situations, either in the context of a stalled mediation or at the
outset of the dispute. And who knows … if I can begin to convince
parties and counsel that it is worth a try, perhaps I can report on
some results in a future article.
This article was originally posted as a My Bar
Access blog, reprinted with permission from The Mediation Group
Newsletter 2016. To view additional blogs, and more
member-generated content, visit
Stern joined The Mediation Group in 2015, following
a distinguished career as a trial lawyer with one of Boston's
oldest and finest litigation firms, Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak &
Cohen PC (SRBC). During a career of more than forty years, Jeff
tried more than 50 jury cases to verdict, including product
liability (for both plaintiffs and defendants), medical malpractice
(for both plaintiffs and defendants), professional liability,
insurance coverage disputes and a wide variety of business disputes
and probate matters.