
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017


  • "State judge rejects federal test on meal break compensability," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 9) -- MBA members Diane M. SaundersKimberly Klimczuk and Todd J. Bennett provided insight into a recent decision made by the Superior Court's Business Litigation Session.
  • "Suggestive ID by police can be introduced,'" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 9) -- MBA member Murat Erkan commented on a Superior Court decision from a criminal defense perspective.
  • "Grant of judicial immunity to witnesses may be a first,'" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 9) -- MBA members Peter Elikann, former chair of the Criminal Justice Section Council, and Michael Hussey offered their thoughts from a criminal defense perspective on a unique grant of judicial immunity in a recent Superior Court case.