The newest issue of the Complex Commercial Litigation Section's
ComCom Quarterly (February 2017) is available on My Bar
Access. The newsletter provides information in three practice
areas: Business Litigation, Intellectual Property and
In this issue:
- Current Trends in Accounting Malpractice Cases
- Court Appoints a Defense Class of 15,000 'Net Winners' in
Telexfree Ponzi Scheme Bankruptcy
- Attention to the 'Particulars': Exclusion of Account Name
Considered Material False Oath
- Jurisdictional Considerations Involving Intellectual
- The Lively and Succesful Inauguration of the Complex Commercial
Litigation Conference
- Join Us: Second Annual Complex Commercial Litigation
Click here to read the new issue. Previous issues are available to MBA members
in the Complex Commercial Litigation's Member Group Library on My
Bar Access.