
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017

Notable & Quotable

  • "Call 4 Action: After denial, town covers cost of pothole damage," CBS Boston (August 30) -- MBA Treasurer John J. Morrissey was interviewed for an I-Team story on pothole damage liability.
  • "Baker proposes manslaughter charge for drug dealers," Boston Globe (August 30) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy offered commentary on a legislative proposal from Governor Charlie Baker that seeks a mandatory minimum of five years for drug dealers who sell drugs resulting in a fatality.
  • "Ask the Experts, Unflattering posts on social media could be subject to legal action," (August 30) -- MBA member Kyle R. Guelcher answered reader questions on offensive and defamatory social media posts.
  • "Conviction of teen found with gun in backpack thrown out," Boston 25 News (August 29) -- Former chair of the MBA's Criminal Justice Section Peter Elikann provided insight into a recent SJC decision involving a reasonable suspicion.
  • "Revere rep's legislation inspired by Bella Bond case," Boston Herald (August 29) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy commented on a bill which seeks to increase sentences for those convicted of being an accessory to a child's murder.
  • "Statements in non-custodial interrogation inadmissible," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 28) -- MBA members Murat Erkan and Marissa Elkins were quoted about a recent Superior Court ruling.
  • "Murky disclosure allows legal-mal claim to survive," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 28) -- MBA member Charlotte E. Glinka commented on a recent Appeals Court decision.
  • Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 28) -- MBA member Callan G. Stein was quoted in the Hearsay column about out-of-state lawyers practicing in New York.